Garrett College Foundation
Past Capital Campaigns
Garrett College officially opens STEM Building
Garrett College officially opened its $8.526 million STEM Building –which drew rave reviews from federal, state and local officials – before a packed house on Saturday morning.
"Today is an exciting moment for Garrett College. The facility is an incredible asset to not only the state of Maryland, but the entire region as well," said U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) of the new facility. "Maryland understands the importance of STEM and Garrett College's facility plays a critical role in preparing students for careers and jobs in STEM-related fields." ....Read the full release here

Laptop Bar
Made possible through the generosity of Daly Computers, Inc.

Physics/Earth Science Lab & Classroom
Made possible through the generosity of Appalachian Regional Commission

Edna Solomon Moran Chemistry & Microbiology Lab
Made possible through the generosity of Dr. Walter H. Moran, Jr.

Main & Small Conference Rooms and Faculty Office
Made possible through the generosity of First United Bank & Trust

Faculty Office
In honor of Barry and Gretchen Rush by the Rush sons and families

Student Tutoring Area
In memory of Stanley H. and Henry B. Grecki by Cherie and Ron Krug

Student Tutoring Area
Made possible through the generosity of Dr. Brenda and Mr. Sull McCartney in honor of Garrett County’s FIRST Robotics Teams

Student Study Area
Made possible through the generosity of Garrett Container Systems in memory of Don Morin, Sr. and Ruth Morin

Group Study Room
In honor of Mr. Philip Malone for his longstanding commitment to Garrett County youth learning about the power of robotics

The Kalie Hostutler Ashby Learning Lounge
Pictured (left to right) are: Bonnie Winters, Matt Ashby, Sawyer Ashby, Kim Hostutler, Brittney Hostutler, Neil Winters

The Kalie Hostutler Ashby Learning Lounge
To honor Ashby and the value she placed on the high school dual enrollment program, employees of Garrett College established the Kalie Hostutler Ashby Academic Achievement Fund. With the help of her family and friends, the fund recently reached endowment level, which means her legacy will continue to shine for years to come.
Seated in the front row (left to right) are: Christine Upole, Brittney Hostutler, Matt Ashby holding Sawyer Ashby Second row: Marcia Knepp, Kearstin Hinebaugh, Kim Hostutler, Holly Montana Standing are: Stacy Holler and Kim DeGiovanni, fund chair
Additional recognition
Wet Classroom - Made possible through the generosity of Piet and Rosemary Versteegen in loving memory of Margaret Brock
Student Tutoring Area - Made possible through the generosity of President Richard and Mrs. Donna Midcap
STEM-202 & STEM-206 Classrooms - Made possible through the generosity of The Belt Construction Group
Faculty Office - Made possible through the generosity of Carl & Jane Belt
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Garrett College Foundation
Executive Director
Cherie Krug
McHenry Campus